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BOS Meeting April 11, 2023 Public Comments

These were my public comments (if you would like to view the meeting live and what occurred after my comments here is the link to BOS meeting )

Congratulations to David Morin and Dillon Dumont for being elected to the Board of Selectmen. My hope is this new Board of Selectmen will listen carefully to the citizens of Hudson. I hope they will be respectful and welcoming of all citizen input. When citizens bring questions and issues before this board, I urge you all to immediately make a motion for it to be added to the next agenda as new business. These questions and concerns need to be memorialized on the agenda. They can be tabled and moved but should never be forgotten or removed from an agenda until answered or addressed. We are one community where there are no "sides." ONE community which needs: one united vision, one plan, and one mission. I want to uplift all the citizens who voted in opposition to you Selectman Morin and you Selectman Dumont. I want to remind this board that more votes were cast in opposition to these two candidates than in support of each one. Selectman Morin, Selectman Dumont, Selectman McGrath, Selectman Guessferd and Selectman Roy, it is your responsibility to represent everyone in our community. It is the responsibility of this board to act professionally and respectfully of every member of this community. It is this board’s responsibility to lead. To set the “TONE FROM THE TOP” It is unfortunate that when I went to congratulate Selectman Morin last evening, he chose to tell me that “your people need to move on”. Let me remind you Selectman Morin “my people” are “your people” as well. At the recount last evening Selectman McGrath was disrespectful and unprofessional toward me, and I am asking for a public apology. No citizen of Hudson deserves to be disrespected in the manner I was last evening. As this Board knows, I have requested an itemized list of costs associated with the recount as I will cover the entire cost of the recount. Within the e-mail I sent earlier to the BOS, Town Clerk and Moderator, I have asked for the following: Please consider adding a section to the election information you give each candidate and publish on the town website to: 1. Explain the cost of a candidate recount and who can request it. 2. Explain the cost of a warrant article recount and who can request it. 3. Place the answers to these questions under a frequently asked questions section for every election. 4. Inform each candidate by e-mail of the official results of the election once completed. Include the recount process and cost. I appreciate your commitment to serving the people of Hudson, NH, but there needs to be more transparency and respect for all citizens of our community.

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